2008. 4 - 2011. 3
愛媛大学大学院 理工学研究科 物質生命工学専攻 博士後期課程
2006. 4 - 2008. 3
愛媛大学大学院 理工学研究科 物質生命工学専攻 博士前期課程
2002. 4 - 2006. 3
愛媛大学 工学部 応用化学科
2024. 6 - 現在
鳥取大学 医学部 医学科 感染制御学講座 医動物学分野 准教授
2023. 4 - 2024. 5
鳥取大学 医学部 医学科 感染制御学講座 医動物学分野 講師
2017. 4 - 2023. 3
鳥取大学 医学部 医学科 感染制御学講座 医動物学分野 助教
2014. 10 - 2017. 3
National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Division of Intramural Research, Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research, Apicomplexan Molecular Physiology Section Visiting fellow
2013. 4 - 2014. 9
愛媛大学 プロテオサイエンスセンター マラリア研究部門 特定研究員
2011. 4 - 2013. 3
愛媛大学 無細胞生命科学工学研究センター プロテオーム・医薬部門 特定研究員
Roles of the RON3 C-terminal fragment in erythrocyte invasion and blood-stage parasite proliferation in Plasmodium falciparum.
Ito D*, Kondo Y, Takashima E, Iriko H, Thongkukiatkul A, Torii M, Otsuki H*.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2023 Jun 29;13:1197126. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1197126. eCollection 2023.
PMID: 37457963
Phylogenetic Analysis of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia Gene from Ticks and Human Patients in Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
Otsuki H*, Kondo Y, Tademoto S, Ito D.
Yonago Acta Med. 2023 May 13;66(2):246-256. doi: 10.33160/yam.2023.05.013. eCollection 2023 May.
PMID: 37229380
Cysteine Residues in Region 6 of the Plasmodium yoelii Erythrocyte-Binding-like Ligand That Are Related to Its Localization and the Course of Infection.
Otsuki H*, Kaneko O, Ito D, Kondo Y, Iriko H, Ishino T, Tachibana M, Tsuboi T, Torii M.
Biomolecules. 2023 Mar 2;13(3):458. doi: 10.3390/biom13030458.
PMID: 36979393
Extracellular vesicles derived from Spirometra erinaceieuropaei plerocercoids inhibit activation of murine macrophage RAW264.7 cells.
Kondo Y, Ito D, Taniguchi R, Tademoto S, Horie T, Otsuki H*.
Parasitol Int. 2023 Mar 2;95:102742. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2023.102742.
PMID: 36870444
Plasmodium yoelii Erythrocyte Binding Like Protein Interacts With Basigin, an Erythrocyte Surface Protein.
Yuguchi T, Kanoi BN, Nagaoka H, Miura T, Ito D, Takeda H, Tsuboi T, Takashima E*, Otsuki H*
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021 Apr 14;11:656620. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.656620. eCollection 2021.
PMID: 33937099
Identification of a Novel RAMA/RON3 Rhoptry Protein Complex in Plasmodium falciparum Merozoites.
Ito D, Chen JH, Takashima E, Hasegawa T, Otsuki H, Takeo S, Thongkukiatkul A, Han ET, Tsuboi T*.
Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2021 Jan 18;10:605367. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2020.605367. eCollection 2020.
PMID: 33537242
Live-Cell FRET Reveals that Malaria Nutrient Channel Proteins CLAG3 and RhopH2 Remain Associated throughout Their Tortuous Trafficking.
Ahmad M, Manzella-Lapeira J, Saggu G, Ito D, Brzostowski JA, Desai SA*.
mBio. 2020 Sep 8;11(5):e01354-20. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01354-20.
PMID: 32900800
Characterization of mitochondrial carrier proteins of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum based on in vitro translation and reconstitution.
Nozawa A, Ito D, Ibrahim M, Santos HJ, Tsuboi T, Tozawa Y*.
Parasitol Int. 2020 Dec;79:102160. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2020.102160. Epub 2020 Jun 20.
PMID: 32574727
Alternative Activation of Macrophages in Mice Peritoneal Cavities and Diaphragms by Newborn Larvae of Trichinella spiralis.
Itami N, Kondo Y, Tademoto S, Ito D, Fukumoto S, Otsuki H*.
Yonago Acta Med. 2020 Jan 24;63(1):34-41. doi: 10.33160/yam.2020.02.005. eCollection 2020 Feb.
PMID: 32158331
Molecular cloning and characterization of plerocercoid-immunosuppressive factor from Spirometra erinaceieuropaei.
Kondo Y, Ito D, Tademoto S, Itami N, Nishikata S, Takashima E, Tsuboi T, Fukumoto S, Otsuki H*.
Parasitol Int. 2020 Jun;76:102062. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2020.102062. Epub 2020 Jan 21.
PMID: 31978597
PfMSA180 is a novel Plasmodium falciparum vaccine antigen that interacts with human erythrocyte integrin associated protein (CD47).
Nagaoka H, Sasaoka C, Yuguchi T, Kanoi BN, Ito D, Morita M, Udomsangpetch R, Sattabongkot J, Ishino T, Tsuboi T, Takashima E*.
Sci Rep. 2019 Apr 11;9(1):5923. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42366-9.
PMID: 30976034
Antibodies against a Plasmodium falciparum RON12 inhibit merozoite invasion into erythrocytes.
Ito D, Takashima E*, Yamasaki T, Hatano S, Hasegawa T, Miura K, Morita M, Thongkukiatkul A, Diakite M, Long CA, Sattabongkot J, Udomsangpetch R, Iriko H, Ishino T, Tsuboi T*.
Parasitol Int. 2019 Feb;68(1):87-91. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2018.10.006. Epub 2018 Oct 17.
PMID: 30342119
Guide RNA selection for CRISPR-Cas9 transfections in Plasmodium falciparum.
Ribeiro JM, Garriga M, Potchen N, Crater AK, Gupta A, Ito D, Desai SA*.
Int J Parasitol. 2018 Sep;48(11):825-832. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2018.03.009.
PMID: 29906414
Plasmodium falciparum Exported Protein 1 is localized to dense granules in merozoites.
Iriko H*, Ishino T, Otsuki H, Ito D, Tachibana M, Torii M, Tsuboi T.
Parasitol Int. 2018 Oct;67(5):637-639. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2018.06.001. Epub 2018 Jun 8.
PMID: 29886341
Increased Ca++ uptake by erythrocytes infected with malaria parasites: Evidence for exported proteins and novel inhibitors.
Kushwaha AK, Apolis L, Ito D, Desai SA*.
Cell Microbiol. 2018 May 3:e12853. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12853.
PMID: 29726084
PV1, a novel Plasmodium falciparum merozoite dense granule protein, interacts with exported protein in infected erythrocytes.
Morita M, Nagaoka H, Ntege EH, Kanoi BN, Ito D, Nakata T, Lee JW, Tokunaga K, Iimura T, Torii M, Tsuboi T, Takashima E*.
Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 27;8(1):3696. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-22026-0.
PMID: 29487358
Immunoscreening of Plasmodium falciparum proteins expressed in a wheat germ cell-free system reveals a novel malaria vaccine candidate.
Morita M, Takashima E*, Ito D, Miura K, Thongkukiatkul A, Diouf A, Fairhurst RM, Diakite M, Long CA, Torii M, Tsuboi T.
Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 5;7:46086. doi: 10.1038/srep46086.
PMID: 28378857
An essential dual-function complex mediates erythrocyte invasion and channel-mediated nutrient uptake in malaria parasites.
Ito D, Schureck MA, Desai SA*.
eLife. 2017 Feb 21;6. pii: e23485. doi: 10.7554/eLife.23485.
PMID: 28221136
Absence of in vivo selection for K13 mutations after artemether-lumefantrine treatment in Uganda.
Balikagala B, Mita T*, Ikeda M, Sakurai M, Yatsushiro S, Takahashi N, Tachibana SI, Auma M, Ntege EH, Ito D, Takashima E, Palacpac NM, Egwang TG, Onen JO, Kataoka M, Kimura E, Horii T, Tsuboi T*.
Malar J. 2017 Jan 9;16(1):23. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1663-1.
PMID: 28068997
Identification of Plasmodium falciparum reticulocyte binding protein homologue 5-interacting protein, PfRipr, as a highly conserved blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate.
Ntege EH, Arisue N, Ito D, Hasegawa T, Palacpac NMQ, Egwang TG, Horii T, Takashima E, Tsuboi T*.
Vaccine. 2016 Nov 4;34(46):5612-5622. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.09.028. Epub 2016 Sep 28.
PMID: 27692771
Plasmodium vivax GPI-anchored micronemal antigen (PvGAMA) binds human erythrocytes independent of Duffy antigen status.
Cheng Y, Lu F, Wang B, Li J, Han JH, Ito D, Kong DH, Jiang L, Wu J, Ha KS, Takashima E, Sattabongkot J, Cao J, Nyunt MH, Kyaw MP, Desai SA, Miller LH, Tsuboi T*, Han ET*.
Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 19;6:35581. doi: 10.1038/srep35581.
PMID: 27759110
Antigenicity and immunogenicity of PvRALP1, a novel Plasmodium vivax rhoptry neck protein.
Cheng Y, Li J, Ito D, Kong DH, Ha KS, Lu F, Wang B, Sattabongkot J, Lim CS, Tsuboi T*, Han ET*.
Malar J. 2015 Apr 29;14:186. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0698-z.
PMID: 25925592
A CLAG3 mutation in an amphipathic transmembrane domain alters malaria parasite nutrient channels and confers leupeptin resistance.
Sharma P, Rayavara K, Ito D, Basore K, Desai SA*.
Infect Immun. 2015 Jun;83(6):2566-74. doi: 10.1128/IAI.02966-14. Epub 2015 Apr 13.
PMID: 25870226
Serological responses to a soluble recombinant chimeric Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite protein in VK210 and VK247 population.
Cheng Y, Ito D, Sattabongkot J, Lim CS, Kong DH, Ha KS, Wang B, Tsuboi T*, Han ET*.
Malar J. 2013 Sep 14;12:323. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-12-323.
PMID: 24034268
RALP1 is a rhoptry neck erythrocyte-binding protein of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites and a potential blood-stage vaccine candidate antigen.
Ito D, Hasegawa T, Miura K, Yamasaki T, Arumugam TU, Thongkukiatkul A, Takeo S, Takashima E, Sattabongkot J, Han ET, Long CA, Torii M, Tsuboi T*.
Infect Immun. 2013 Nov;81(11):4290-8. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00690-13. Epub 2013 Sep 3.
PMID: 24002067
The Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein 1 paralog is a novel erythrocyte-binding ligand of P. vivax.
Cheng Y, Wang Y, Ito D, Kong DH, Ha KS, Chen JH, Lu F, Li J, Wang B, Takashima E, Sattabongkot J, Tsuboi T*, Han ET*.
Infect Immun. 2013 May;81(5):1585-95. doi: 10.1128/IAI.01117-12. Epub 2013 Mar 4.
PMID: 23460511
Identification and characterization of the Plasmodium falciparum RhopH2 ortholog in Plasmodium vivax.
Wang B, Lu F, Cheng Y, Li J, Ito D, Sattabongkot J, Tsuboi T, Han ET*.
Parasitol Res. 2013 Feb;112(2):585-93. doi: 10.1007/s00436-012-3170-9. Epub 2012 Oct 25.
PMID: 23097184
Pv12, a 6-Cys antigen of Plasmodium vivax, is localized to the merozoite rhoptry.
Li J†, Ito D†, Chen JH, Lu F, Cheng Y, Wang B, Ha KS, Cao J, Torii M, Sattabongkot J, Tsuboi T, Han ET*. †equal contribution.
Parasitol Int. 2012 Sep;61(3):443-9. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2012.02.008. Epub 2012 Feb 25.
PMID: 22394409
Plasmodial ortholog of Toxoplasma gondii rhoptry neck protein 3 is localized to the rhoptry body.
Ito D, Han ET, Takeo S, Thongkukiatkul A, Otsuki H, Torii M, Tsuboi T*.
Parasitol Int. 2011 Jun;60(2):132-8. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2011.01.001. Epub 2011 Jan 13.
PMID: 21237287
The Need for Novel Asexual Blood-Stage Malaria Vaccine Candidates for Plasmodium falciparum.
Takashima E*, Otsuki H, Morita M, Ito D, Nagaoka H, Yuguchi T, Hassan I, Tsuboi T*.
Biomolecules. 2024 Jan 12;14(1):100. doi: 10.3390/biom14010100.
PMID: 38254700
Application of wheat germ cell-free protein expression system for novel malaria vaccine candidate discovery.
Arumugam TU, Ito D, Takashima E, Tachibana M, Ishino T, Torii M, Tsuboi T*.
Expert Rev Vaccines. 2014 Jan;13(1):75-85. doi: 10.1586/14760584.2014.861747. Epub 2013 Dec 5. Review.
PMID: 24308585
2010. 7
日本寄生虫学会 ICOPAXIIトラベルグラント
「Characterization of putative rhoptry neck protein 3 (PfRON3) in Plasmodium falciparum merozoite.」